شما در بخش انجمنهای گفتگو سایت دکتر رهام صادقی هستید، برای آشنایی با امکانات متنوع دیگر سایت اینجا کلیک کنید

به اينستاگرام سايت بپيونديد

جواب MRI زانو عدم راه رفتن

  1. با سلام و خسته نباشید
    لطفاجواب این MRIرا بگویید،مادرم نمی تواند پای چپ اش را بر زمین بگذارد و راه برود . با سپاس
    Referring Physician: Dr. Arzhang
    MRI Type: Lt. Knee MRI without contrast.
    Protocols: Axial T1, T2, PD, FLAIR, Coronal T2, Sagittal T2.
    MR MACHINE: Siemens Magnetom Avanto 1.5 T, 18 Channel T-Class

    MRI obtained in multiplanar and different time echos. Exam reveals:
    Anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments are normal.
    Joint capsule, medial and lateral collateral ligaments are normal.
    No abnormality is seen in tibiofibular joint.
    Structure of bone and bone marrow are normal.
    Patella, Patellar tendon and quadriceps tendon have normal appearance and signal intensity.
    Soft tissue and vessel around the knee are normal.
    The anterior and posterior horns of lateral meniscus have normal appearance with low signal and there is no evidence of tear.
    Significant marginal osteophyte formation is evident in the articular end plates of tibia and femur along with medial side joint space narrowing consistent with D.J.D.
    Degenerative changes are also present in patello-femoral joint.
    Thinning of cartilage is seen in the medial side.
    Myxoid degeneration is evident in the posterior horn of medial meniscus.
    Mild joint effusion is evident.

    M. Ghafoori M.D.
    Professor of Radiology
  2. sbdsbd نوشته است: با سلام و خسته نباشید
    لطفاجواب این MRIرا بگویید،مادرم نمی تواند پای چپ اش را بر زمین بگذارد و راه برود . با سپاس
    Referring Physician: Dr. Arzhang
    MRI Type: Lt. Knee MRI without contrast.
    Protocols: Axial T1, T2, PD, FLAIR, Coronal T2, Sagittal T2.
    MR MACHINE: Siemens Magnetom Avanto 1.5 T, 18 Channel T-Class

    MRI obtained in multiplanar and different time echos. Exam reveals:
    Anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments are normal.
    Joint capsule, medial and lateral collateral ligaments are normal.
    No abnormality is seen in tibiofibular joint.
    Structure of bone and bone marrow are normal.
    Patella, Patellar tendon and quadriceps tendon have normal appearance and signal intensity.
    Soft tissue and vessel around the knee are normal.
    The anterior and posterior horns of lateral meniscus have normal appearance with low signal and there is no evidence of tear.
    Significant marginal osteophyte formation is evident in the articular end plates of tibia and femur along with medial side joint space narrowing consistent with D.J.D.
    Degenerative changes are also present in patello-femoral joint.
    Thinning of cartilage is seen in the medial side.
    Myxoid degeneration is evident in the posterior horn of medial meniscus.
    Mild joint effusion is evident.

    M. Ghafoori M.D.
    Professor of Radiology


       ساییدگی   سر استخوان های ساق و پایین استخوان  ران ؛   در مفصل زانو  و ساییدگی  کشکک دارد  ( ارتروز زانو  و کشکک )
    این پست توسط دکتر رهام صادقی (مدیریت سایت) تایید شده است
    تشکر شده توسط : ROHAM
تمام زمانها بر حسب GMT + 3.5 Hours می‌باشند
صفحه 1 از 1

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ارسال ایمیل به دکتر رهام صادقی

مدت زمان ایجاد صفحه : 0.13 ثانیه (42)